What we do

Fair Action seeks to tackle discrimination in society through a unique combination of educational sessions and state-of-the-art research. We believe that changing prejudicial attitudes requires more than just saying you will try to educate people on discriminatory issues.

Getting to the root of the problem requires cultural change. This change is possible through encouraging people to rethink how they view the world and how their perceptions of others guides what they think and what they do.


Our sessions are informed by both the latest academic research but also relevant, cutting-edge research we design ourselves.  This is what makes Fair Action unique. To keep up with an increasingly diverse and dynamic society, we strive to produce relevant and contemporary research that drives state-of-the-art approaches to the problems our society faces. Just describing instances of discrimination is not enough. We know that for change to occur, children must learn why discrimination happens.


We deliver interactive classes to young people that are designed to challenge their perceptions. These sessions help our young people to understand that their worldview is just one way of seeing the world. Our approach aims to stimulate the growth of cultural awareness and the adoption and development of crucial traits such as openness, cultural empathy, curiosity and tolerance. Equipping children with these tools will empower them to challenge prejudice and contribute to equality.

About Us

Fair Action was founded by Raymond Lynn and Daniel Clayton in 2016. Having met as Master's’ students at the University of Warwick, they found that they shared a passion for football and a desire to challenge prejudice in sport and in society.

Recognising the persistent discrimination rampant in British sport and society, and with the unwavering belief that they were in a position to do something about it, they formed Fair Action.

Raymond is a facilitator for the Football Association, and Dan is currently studying for a PhD in Cultural Sports Psychology.

Find out more about what we do by watching our video:

Our funders 2017-2018:

- The National Lottery - Awards for All

- The Heart of England - Jumping Through Hoops

- The 29th May 1961 Charity

- Active Citizens (Coventry)

Fair Action has delivered interactive sessions to over 3,000 participants since 2017. We have taught classes to approximately 2,000 participants in secondary schools, colleges and communities throughout Coventry, with the support of key funders. The remaining participants have come from secondary schools and universities across England.

We have also delivered sessions to 19 professional football club trusts and foundations at various locations around the country, including working with community groups, secondary schools and through club initiatives involving young people.